Suicide Bombers – On Mumbai Streets

The title says a lot about Terrorism but it’s not about it! In fact it’s the Drivers/Riders on Mumbai roads that I am referring to as Suicide Bombers.

We are always in Hurry and always Late for something is what every Driver would say for their unlawful Driving. Understanding Signals is as difficult as solving a Sudoku puzzle.
Red signal indicates STOP, Green signal GO. Two basic colours are what we fail to follow. The misconception is that everyone disobeys the traffic rules so even we can go along. Herd mentality is what they have.

The 10+2+3 Indian Education system has gone to Dogs as that Education was worth nothing as it fails to make them understand the most basic Law system.
Corrupt Traffic cops benefits the most, as they attack in Ambush hiding behind a Tree or a tapri.
The Illiteracy cycle runs long and round which has no stopping as of now under the power system we live in.
Sudden Signal less turns, Sudden Brakes, Unnecessary Honking, Lane Breaking, is very common that I witness on the Road.
Learnt Z for “Zebra” in school, but cannot figure out the importance of the Zebra crossing drawn on the road. Drawing a Line and not crossing it is something even Hindu God failed to follow, so rest are just humans right.
If you observe closely, Signals are built with terrific understanding of traffic scenario to follow in the City.

“I would love to see people stop their Car/Bike next to me while on a Red Signal the next time and behind the Zebra crossing line.”
